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The Day Democracy Died

I am suing Mr Hancock for defamation.

Earlier this year, the former Health Secretary described me in a tweet as a “disgusting and dangerous” propagator of anti-Semitism. I believe this was to stop me asking questions about the safety and efficacy of Covid vaccines on behalf of my constituents and other members of the public who have suffered adverse reactions to the vaccines and from Covid policy in many other ways.

If I am successful, any damages awarded will be donated IN FULL to support the seriously vaccine injured and their ongoing fight for recognition and remedy.

Support free speech and the right of MPs to give a voice to the unheard. If you can, please support my case against Mr Hancock.

Thank you. Andrew Bridgen.



I am Andrew Bridgen and I am the Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire. I entered Parliament in order to serve the public. I endeavour to serve all my constituents, no matter what their problems, or how unfashionable their cause.

Casualties of the UK Government’s Covid response

When many of my constituents and members of the wider public approached me to discuss possible harms caused by the Covid-19 vaccinations, I tried to raise their concerns in Parliament, with little success. The Government is simply uninterested in acknowledging the side effects or the stories of those who have been seriously injured by the Covid vaccines; in the care home workers who lost their jobs for choosing not to take the Covid vaccine; in the family members whose loved ones died alone and confused during lockdown; in the cancer patients still on endless wait lists for urgent treatment; in the parents of children whose mental health and life chances have suffered irreparably as a result of school closures; in the small business owners who lost their livelihoods; or in those tragic victims of lockdowns who took their own lives.
Do we see any recognition or contrition from Government ministers who enforced Covid response policies while breaking the rules themselves? Have those in power who partied, had affairs or frolicked in the jungle, while the rest of us were instructed to stay at home and isolate “to save lives”, really offered us an explanation for their actions?

Mr Hancock, former Health Secretary

On 11th January 2023, the former Health Secretary who was responsible for overseeing the UK Government’s Covid Response described me as a “disgusting and dangerous” propagator of anti-Semitism.

Why? Because I tried to voice the concerns of my constituents and draw attention to the extent of Covid vaccine harms.

Mr Hancock’s words are defamatory and so I am bringing a civil action in defamation against him. Many Jewish people and organisations, as well as medical professionals, have expressed support for me and reject any suggestion that I am anti-Semitic. Mr Hancock’s smear is untrue and there is zero evidence to support it.

But there is more to this than my personal reputation: Mr Hancock’s smear and false allegations of racism has served to stifle Parliamentary debate – presumably in the hope that any uncomfortable truths about his Covid regime will fade away. My legal action against Mr Hancock is therefore a defence not of Andrew Bridgen, but of free speech itself - the basis of any healthy democracy.

Our political culture is in crisis

My legal action is about creating a more transparent political culture - one that voters can have confidence in. It is about the right of sitting MPs to represent the people they are paid to serve, without being targeted by ugly smears designed to silence any criticism of Government policy.
Do you think our current leaders regard themselves as duty bound to listen to the people who pay their wages?

Funds raised and the vaccine injured

With your generosity, the funds raised here will help to cover the legal costs of my challenge to Mr Hancock and he will have to demonstrate in a court of law that his smear campaign against me was in fact honest and truthful.

ALL surplus funds raised and ANY damages awarded will be donated IN FULL to support the vaccine injured and those still fighting for recognition: individuals who, along with their grieving families, have been completely ignored in this sorry moment of our history.

Thank you!
AB Sig

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Comments section

Keith Keep going Andrew you are our last hope to get justice for the Covid-19/Vaccine Harmed people to date and perhaps, those of us who had the jab and were lied to about it being safe and effective who are now potentially ticking time bombs with our health!

Eileen You are the only member of Parliament who truly represents their constituents. I feel you speak for me too, and no doubt many others whose MPs have remained silent on such an important issue. Thank you and good luck.

Susan Godspeed, Mr Bridgen. If only there were more politicians with your integrity and courage. Your suit against Hancock is just. In 2021 I watched a video of him talking about Midazolam and other drug protocols being covertly changed, and I was disgusted. Please pursue this cause on behalf of us all - Hancock clearly lives in a parallel universe where he calls evil good, and good evil For him to defame you is the height of hypocrisy.
God bless your endeavour for justice.

Suzanne Good Luck Andrew. Keep fighting for justice.

Roz With gratitude for your unfailing energy in standing up for freedom of speech, and for voicing the concerns and queries of those whom the failed authorities governing this country repeatedly refuse to hear. If there is any justice left in the UK, your case should succeed. I pray this is so.

Christine Hero. Keep on with the good work for freedom and Democracy, Andrew.

Julian Keep going please Andrew, you are a beacon of light in the dark and fetid cavern that has become British Parliament. The likes of Hancock, Sunak, Johnson, Whitty et all all need to be behind bars for their crimes against the British public. The party you once favoured no longer exist and you are burning far brighter as an independent amongst that heckling mob of corrupt cronies.

Ashna Thank God We have an MP like you Andrew, I hope you find it in you the strength and moral courage to see this through.

Clare You are a true hero!

William You are right Mr Bridgen. Hancock is in error.

Paul Thank you for the great work you do,as a retired pensioner I did not take any covid or flu jabs and have not had a cold or flu for years along with a few of my family. I researched and found out what was really going on and tried to warn people which was difficult. Andrew you are the only MP standing up in parliament for the people who have been vaccine damaged. Keep up your great work, I only wish you were my MP.

Paul We will not be silenced!

Jan Good luck Mr Bridgen, I sincerely want you to win this defamation case against that villain, who was in fact describing himself. If there were justice in this country that man, I can't even bear to write his name, would be in prison instead of cavorting around on TV shows.

Stuart Once again we are with you all the way Andrew. 

Ian Win, and then pursue him for crimes against humanity.

Robert Please continue with your wonderful work regarding the problems with the Covid vaccines and the the support you are giving to those affected. Good luck in your Court Case against that xxxx little man Hancock and all those who supported him.

Peter Keep fighting Andrew!

Bob and Gerry Thank you for fighting on our behalf Andrew.

Campaign updates

Update 22/02/2024

Mr Hancock is trying to have Andrew’s defamation case against him struck out. This will be in the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand, London, next Friday 1st March.

The ground on which Mr Hancock is relying is the claim that Andrew’s case has no reasonable prospect of success.

 However, Andrew intends to resist this vigorously and has engaged the services of the top legal team, including one of the best barristers in the business, to ensure that the claim proceeds and the case goes to trial. As before, funds have been drawn down for legal expenses.

 Andrew is hopeful that justice will be done so that he and other MPs will be able to raise constituents’ concerns and question government action without fear or favour. The case goes to the very heart of our democracy and Andrew is determined to fight to the end.

As Andrew has always pledged, if he is successful, any damages awarded will be donated IN FULL to support the seriously vaccine injured and their ongoing fight for recognition and remedy.

Hand about to bang gavel on soun